OUr Products
Our products are sourced directly from manufacturers in Thailand. Each item is individually selected for the NOI SILVER collection, often with specific customisation to meet our exact standards.
The majority of our products are Sterling Silver. Sterling silver is a composit alloy material made from Silver and other metals. The alloy provides the vibrancy of silver with the strength of the alloyed metal and therefore Sterling Silver is more durable for the creation of fashionable jewellery items.
Our Sterling Silver is always of 925 quality. This means that 92.5% of the metal is silver and 7.5% is of another metal. Our Sterling Silver is NEVER alloyed with Nickel.
Hallmarking within the UK is a legal requirement for all Sterling Silver items that weigh above 7.78g. All of our items are below the 7.78g limit, but should a product weigh more than 7.78g it will be officially hallmaked. You can find out more about hallmarking from the UK Assay Office.
Where a product is made up of two seperate items, such as two earrings for example, each earring would need to be above the 7.78g. Similarly with Neclaces and detachable pendants.
Many NOI SILVER products will be marked '925'. This is a manufacturers mark and is not a hallmark in the legal sense, although consumers often mistake it as one. Where the item has been too small to punch '925' we have not done so as it would detract from the beauty of the piece.
Sterling Silver is liable to tarnish. This is a perfectly natural state for the metal as it touches the air.
You may notice some of the jewellery becoming slightly yellow, this is the first stage of Sterling Silver Tarnish. The second stage is a blackenning of the metal.
It is our recommendation that you clean your NOIS SILVER Sterling Silver regularly with a NOI SILVER pollishing cloth. The cleaning process usually only takes a minute or two and keeps your treasured purchase in the condition you bought it in.